A Malta-based Protected Cell insurance company, Building Block Insurance PCC Limited specialise in writing bespoke insurance schemes across Europe. We’re one of Malta’s foremost insurance services organisations, enabling clients the capacity they require across the EEA and in 10 different business classes.

We’re authorised under the Insurance Business Act, 1998 and strictly regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA).

we do

Building Block Insurance offer capacity in the market for niche and specialist products, providing clients with a cost-effective alternative, underwriting solutions throughout the EU/ EEA. 

We’re licensed to write all classes of general insurance business and currently passport business into seven European Economic Area (EEA) states. These include the United Kingdom, Portugal, France, Iceland, Ireland, Italy and Spain.

At Building Block we’re a Protected Cell Company (PCC), and our structure means we can create independent cells, which can provide opportunities for clients when designing sales and development programmes for existing products and schemes.

All our products follow the same ‘simple and clear’ principles, from wording through to claims process. We choose our administration partners – including our claims handlers – with great care, so that customers experience an exceptional customer journey.

Our products include:

  • Accident Sickness and Unemployment
  • Pet
  • Rent Guarantee
  • Excess
  • Vehicle Breakdown
  • Mobile & Tablet

we we work with

Our associate companies are Reach Financial Services, a UK case-based broker, and Avanti International, a Portuguese-based broker. This fiscal combination allows us the flexibility to build and host for a wide range of clients

Our clients provide insurance for their customers – and we work in a collective way to make sure what they can offer helps lead the way in the industry.

Building Block Insurance PCC Limited is a Malta-based Protected Cell insurance company, specialising in writing bespoke insurance schemes across Europe.